Home // Posts tagged "Scholardarity.com"

The Pan(en)theisms of Leslie and Sprigge

x Bookmark Scott Ryan has a new essay in Philosophy, The Pan(en)theisms of Leslie and Sprigge.  


In Defence of Panexperientialism

x Bookmark Andy Kay has a new article in Philosophy; In Defence of Panexperientialism.  


Property Rights: A Short Critical Survey

x Bookmark Scott Ryan has a new essay in Philosophy,  Property Rights: A Short Critical Survey.


Reviews of Brand Blanshard’s Major Works

x Bookmark Scott Ryan has a new item in Book and film Reviews, Reviews of Brand Blanshard’s Major Works  


The Utilitarian Stance Section 1: The Pursuit of “Pleasure”

x Bookmark The Utilitarian Stance Jason Zarri ~ Section 1 ~ The Pursuit of “Pleasure”: What Utilitarianism Could Not Be There are many things that people strive to obtain: Wealth, power, jobs, friends, material goods, loving relationships… . Is “pleasure” one of them? Well, if by ‘pleasure’ one simply means pleasant experiences, I think the more »


Is Same-Sex Marriage Already Constitutional?

x Bookmark Scott Ryan has a new essay in Philosophy, Is Same-Sex Marriage Already Constitutional?


Objective Idealism and Ethics

x Bookmark Scott Ryan has a new essay in Philosophy, Objective Idealism and Ethics.


In Defense of Objective Idealism

x Bookmark Scott Ryan has a new essay in Philosophy, In Defense of Objective Idealism.  


Take This Fun Constitution Quiz!

x Bookmark Scott Ryan has a new essay in Philosophy,  Take This Fun Constitution Quiz! (It’s not really a quiz; he just use that format to convey some basic information about how the Constitution is supposed to work, by way of preparation for further arguments about the right of privacy.)

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